Transport / Cargo Handling Equipment
Our Equipment / Infrastructure
We are one of the Major stevedores and operators of CFS.We own and operate different types of freight handling equipment and transport vehicles, including front end loaders, Heavy Duty Cranes, Fork Lift Trucks, Specialized Grabs, Log handlers, Wood Catchers, JCBs, Escort cranes, Tippers, Container Trailers, Low Bed&Multi Axle heavy duty trailers suitable for all types of freight. As a result, we will provide our consumers with very low costs. We will supply our equipment and Transport vehicles on hire after satisfying our demand. One of the problems facing by the logistics industry is the shortage of qualified operators and diligent drivers. We trained and adequately supervised the skilled operators by giving them with sufficient skills training. In order to ensure the supply of more than 90% of all cargo handling equipment and transport vehicles, we have built our own ultra-modern work shop.